Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The prO of dotA had been QUIT

lolx.. I'm going spend rest of my times on studies, careers, families (currently family and my future own family) I'm a fully experienced dota player and i played more then 8 years. Dota look like a part of my life, but unfortunately, i have to give up it. I'm studying economic now, i have to know what is the definition of "opportunity cost". Give up game and i may have a bright future. If i give up my studies, the probability of my future less then 20%. Do you think a company need a gamers? Lolx.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Depression about the score of exam.

I'm be quiet for whole day... why? That's because of my noob result.. Why i cant pawn my exam such as i pawn when playing dota?

Accounting 20.4/30
Management 9.5/20
Economic x/20
Information system x/20..

I had studied management and din sleep for the whole night. This is what i get? 9.5??? Fucking on the floor!

Friday, August 14, 2009

My life starting become meaningful when everything start from 0...

I love whatever i consist now. With this 4 words知足常乐, i really understand about my life. Thus, i have to appreciate whatever things i had now because i knew that there're someone who in suffering now. Thanks, 知足常乐...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Blog re-open

I'm just back from Australia, melbourne. It's can see that everyone scare on me. Do you understand how H1N1 killed a person? Suddenly i get scold by some of my friends, relax please!!!

This trip i'm not happy at all. I get scold by my dad and aunty, that's enough for me. I can't relax at all, i bring my book to study. My dream phone gone, fuck you all, do you remember what you promise me? You never achieve ur promise. In your eyes, my brother is the "best" forever. He's the one who talking crap very well in the world. Stop it Stop it!! I don't know what will i do in next second. My heart had been broken long time ago, and who else will give me a console? Answer= No one will!!! I'm living in a dark world forever. I tried study hard, in the same time, you should know i am very interesting in games. I can espress my emotion in the game.

If i can study at australia in next 2 years, i will not going to back Malaysia anymore. There are nothing i miss in malaysia. Fuck Fuck Fuck!!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


This blog is going close soon because of some unexpected problems and personal reasons! I would thanks all my readers and my friends. UPSET!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

19th birthday!!

Thanks to all my friends who celebrate my birthday. I love you all.

From left: Daphanne, Joe, Me, Zoe

What the hell i'm looking?

My muffin birthday cake

My muffin birthday cake 2

My muffing birthday cake 3

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


初中一:刚刚认识的我们,有点害羞。我们都是通过sms和打电话来联络,很少会在班上说话。聊聊聊,我就不知不觉地爱上你了。无知的我,很喜欢玩miss call,终于有一次你妈妈打电话来骂我了。在那时,我觉得你妈妈好凶啊。还有很多很多回忆........

初中二:俊杰出现了!当他告诉我,他很喜欢你。我的心突然就像玻璃这样碎了。可能我觉得他可以让你快乐,我就不断的支持你们两个。我暗中帮了俊杰很多很多。他答应你会等你到form 5,可是他做不到。就因为这样,你开始对男生感到失望。同时,我也利用了仪欣来骗你。

初中三:这是,又出现了文杰。有一次,你和他单独去pasar malam,我很不开心。我承认我吃醋。他载你去这里,哪里。我吃醋。自卑的我又再拿他和我比较。他又帅,读书又好,又有钱。而我呢?肥肥,读书又烂!!


初中5:自从说了放弃你,我们之间的距离好像越来越远。很快的,我拥有了我第一个女朋友,mun yee。半年后,就分手了。你也对你姐夫介绍的一个男生有好感了。



Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Do you believe me study 3 hours at library?

Amazing right? Finally, i finished chapter 1,4,7,8,3 for Management. Quizz, i'm ready to face on "You". I have to score in this quizz otherwise i will upset and disappointing on what i studied before. Information technology, sorry that i just study 1 chapter only, left 2 chapter more. I will finish it by tomorrow. I love all my text books. xD

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I'm back, GOLF...

As usual, my family and I jog in this early morning at manjalala. lolxX.. Jogging is one ways that can clear away my fat. After had my lunch, i ask micheal play GOLF together. lolx.. If i'm not mistaken, i do not touch the golf sticks around 3 years. Conclusion, I'm back, GOLF!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

强力推荐----> (TVB) 烈火雄心3


承接前兩輯,一班無 名英雄各自背負著不為人知的壓力衝入火場,他們引證了人性的可貴,揭示了生命的重要,然而作為施救者,他們正等待著一個救人自救的機會。年輕貪玩的方履安 (黃宗澤飾)被消防隊隊長鍾有成(王喜飾)鼓勵投考成央A因而認識卓柏宇(鄭嘉穎飾),但二人在出隊期間不斷發生誤會,履安更認定柏宇橫刀奪愛,奪走有成 的心上人高惠盈(胡杏兒飾),因而連累有成受傷昏迷,直至一場大火將各人逼進了命運的生死關口,在濃煙中才看清生命的真諦……
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Friday, July 10, 2009


看起來朋友很多,可是知心的沒有幾個"這句話很深刻的形容了雙子。雙子很能說話,他跟別人可以天南地北的聊,可以聊得很八卦,也會聊 一些很嚴肅的話題。雙子可以跟你聊很多東西,可是注意了,他都只是跟你聊一些不關自己的事。隨便他跟你說些什麼,可是跟自己有關的都只是些皮毛而已。比 如,今天又有某個明星怎樣怎樣了;隔壁班有多少美女帥哥的。關於自己的事,他幾乎是不說的,就算是說,也是說一些關於自己無關痛癢的事。當你想更進一步的 瞭解雙子,他會很自然的把話題給扯開。對於自信的雙子來說,他又同時很沒有安全感,這是雙子特有的矛盾。他喜歡把自己重重包圍住,不讓自己暴露。對於雙子 來說,如果在一個還不瞭解的人面前把自己暴露了,就等於讓別人抓住了自己的把柄。這樣就失去了一定的優勢。當雙子感到獨孤悲傷時,只會一個人躲在房間裡 哭,或者一個人鬱悶著。雙子也很怕被傷害,很多時候寧願自己承受一切,也不願別人抓住自己的把柄。所以久而久之也就養成了習慣。雙子基本上也是個很痛苦的 人。表面上總是很有活力,很快樂的樣子,可是沒人的時候他又總是很憂傷。雙子總會被一種莫名的悲傷籠罩。但他不會讓別人發現的,他怕被傷害,也怕被別人拋 棄,只能自己硬挺著一切。所以雙子很神經質,精神脆弱,容易人格分裂,因為承受了太多的東西. 一般來說雙子的孩子都很早熟。雙子對很多的東西都在乎得要命,可是表面上就是看起來什麼都不在乎。雙子並不是故意要掩飾自己,上面說了,這只是一種習慣 了,可是在外人看來他就成了虛偽的人。雙子是被公認的最花心最冷酷無情的星座。其實對於雙子的花心,真的不想再說些什麼了。解釋得太多,累了,也沒耐心 了。可是說起雙子,就不得不提感情,雙子這一生,似乎必須被感情牽伴,跟愛情糾纏一世。很多人說雙子並不花心,只是博愛,所以才會有那麼好的人緣。忘了在 哪裡看見了這樣的一句話:雙子最大的悲哀在於有兩個人的思想,卻只有一個人的身體,雙子有愛自己所愛的人的權利,也有保護彼此所愛的人的義務,雙子只剩下 一個時,愛也就只剩下義務了。我想用如來若去說的一句話給雙子的花心做個總結:花心的極端就是癡心的可怕。該懂的人應該會懂的。至於冷酷無情真的不知道該 從何說起。其實雙子是最平和的星座,如果可以不發生衝突,都會盡量避免。雙子也很少跟別人吵架,他討厭吵架,如果是因為一些生活瑣碎小事吵架,那麼雙子就 在吵完的那一刻就把這件事給忘了;要雙子真的跟你翻臉,除非是你的所作所為或所說的話實在讓雙子不能忍受,這時他會很鄙視得看你一眼,然後頭也不回地走 掉,甚至會不給你留面子地離開。這時你一輩子也別想再和他和好了,就算有的雙子礙於面子和你再成為朋友,但是他們已經對你鄙視到了極點,只不過維持著這一 層不得不維持的"朋友"關係其實,很大一部分雙子,對待感情是非常專一的,之所以給人留下花心的美名,是因為很少有人能夠讓略帶童心的雙子動真感情,不是 雙子鐵石心腸,而是雙子個性裡面天生有一些憂鬱,一些潛在的不自信,只是雙子隱藏的深入,可是一旦讓雙子動了真感情,那麼恭喜你了,雙子的天真,率直,外 加表達能力豐富,一定能讓你獲得很多快樂。每個雙子都有一個故事隱藏在心裡,多數是不堪回首的往事,雙子是個念舊或者說是喜歡沉浸在回憶中的星座,他 (她)的這個故事通常都是因情所困,動了感情而被傷害了的雙子是脆弱的,也是堅強的,他(她)可以很快的振作起來,可以當什麼事都沒有發生,這些都是雙子 演給世人看的罷了,等到夜深人靜的時候,雙子內心的傷痛隨著血液滲透到全身,他(她)可以一整夜的去回憶之前的點點滴滴,可以一整夜的沉浸在痛苦之中,可 以一整夜坐在那裡發呆,但是,一旦天亮了,要出去見人了,雙子馬上就從痛苦中抽身而走,你看到的肯定是一個神采奕奕的雙子,這就是雙子,擁有雙重性格的雙 子,一個在世人面前樂天,快樂,在孤獨夜晚獨自傷悲的雙子。雙子的愛是最永恆的,可以付出一切,有人說我們花心,那時我們沒有真正的愛,當雙子愛上一個人 的時候是痛苦的,因為我們太敏感。假如雙子愛上了一個不愛自己的人,那莫我相信他永遠都不會再愛了,當愛給過了一個人,他再也沒有能力再付出了,其實太多 的人都不懂我們,其實連我們自己都不懂自己,我們很會偽裝,很會說謊,但我們最細膩,對感情最敏感,雙子的愛與悲傷,誰又真的瞭解!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I'm serious on this time, no more joking, don't give any reasons to give up. I'm believe someone are waiting me to achieve it. The main purpose i on diet is not request anything from you, is because i wanna have a healthy & strong body, better look, increase self-confidence, and because of you.

Weight= 85kg
Waist= 34inch
Height= 170cm

Weight= 60kg (- 25kg)
Waist= 29 inch (- 5 inch)
Height= 175cm (+ 5cm)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Saisaki japanese restaurant + Desa park city garden

First of all, i would thanks all of my friends who attended tonight dinner. In my opinion, saisaki is not delicious and it cost me damn much. My rating for this Japanese restaurant is 1/10. Two of the reasons i dislike it, the food's is not suitable me and the food's in the warm temperature. But, this is just my personal view only. I treat someone eat today. xD...

After that, we play around at desa park city garden there. That's my first time play at the garden. xD.. Happy + happy + happy. Unfortunatelly, i vommit after fetch kuan wei back home. Maybe i'm over-eating. Sadness++..

I'm not feeling well again, but who will realize how suffer am i now? GOD : No one will know!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Updated- Venue had been changed

Saisaki Japanese Buffet Restaurant
Unit No 1-9, 1st Floor,
Wisma UOA II,
No. 21, Jalan Pinang,
50450 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 603-2166 3728
Operation Hours: Lunch 12.00pm – 2.30pm, Dinner 6.00pm – 10.30pm
Prices= RM 43++

You can search detail information through by the website!! lolxX

Monday, July 6, 2009

Last call Last call...

Who wanna celebrate my birthday at this Friday? Thanks dap and joe. xD
Venue= Jogoya,StarHill
Time= 5.00-9.30

Saturday, July 4, 2009








就算被人扁到心里全是眼泪,打完一局后还是要说GG(也就是good game/多多指教),大不了明天再找回来。君子报仇,十年不晚。久而久之,DOTAer都会养成记吃不记打、谦虚谨慎的良好性格。这同样也是好老公的必备条件之一。






做为DOTAer, 基本功之一就是在游戏中的观察对手的走位和行动,日复一日,年复一年,他的观察力绝对和福尔摩斯不相上下。同样和你在一起的时候,他不会忽略掉你的各种感 受,包括你的一颦一笑,一举一动。你疲劳时,他会帮助你;你高兴时,他会和你一起享受快乐;你苦闷时,他会安慰你。呜呼,有老公如此,夫复何求!


















Friday, July 3, 2009

Finally i get your full name!!


Finally, i get it! lolX... Damn stupid you, why don't tell me early? So mysterious.. Is it any special for your name? lolX.. Today i hang out at mid-valley. I'm so lonely, keep walk here walk there alone. Very lucky, there are dog exhibition fair at the highest floor. Stupid fair wasted me RM5 and nothing special inside.@@ cheER

The 2nd day!!

Yea, i know i can do it! I dint message her 2 day. Hey hey hey, i'm so happy today. As usual, 4 of us, jie jing, sook theng, and pui ling went to mid-valley dinner + shopping after the class. 4 of us look like crazy person just come out from tanjung rambutan!! lolX... Sushi Zanmai again?? There are nothing interested me at The garden there, that why we choose eat at sushi zanmai again. Damn nice, right? Ok, is time to sleep.. Good nitez and sweet dream to all my readers.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Amazing wish!

OF, ur wish's birthday at july of 9? Finally i know what is your wish and who are the fellow!! I can't believe your wish is HIM!!! lolx.. Whatever, i will wish both of you. Around of my friends keep couple and couple, congratulation tot them but how about me? I promised that i want to stand positive starting from now. I believe i will catch my dream girl in a day. Who's the lucky girl will i catch? xD

Stupid management quizz delay to 16/7, 1.00pm. Is a good because there are plenty of study time for me!! xD..

Monday, June 29, 2009

Yi Yi Yi Yi...

Hello, the latest kelvin was back!! You have to stand up from where you fall down. Is it cool sentence to me? I think so. What's your wish? Who's the lucky boy? Tell me as fast as possible. I have to apologize to someone because i had given him a hope. Brother, give me some time to check it out and i will kill the boy. xD... Just kidding, i don't think you will agree what i do right?

Stupid management quizz is coming next week, i have to study chapter 1,4,7,8,3. There are 20 question and each chapter have 4 question. Is a multiple choice and open book quizz. It sound easy right? Normally, open book quizz is quite tough and have to think lot because it like application question. Damn it..

I have to pass up IT group assignment by next friday. Did my group memeber done their part? Don't let me dissapointed please. I have to score for this group assignment, at least 15/20..

Depression again!!

Exam, assignment, quizzes coming soon. Why no people will support and understand me? My life is going dark and darker. When it will be bright? Is it our human life?

4 Fail
X family- Why you all choose not to believe your son? What i done is wrong?
X career- I feel stuck during the interview, there is first time of me to interview.
X studies- I don't like to study, but i keep try my best. So, how i get?
X love- Just fail confession.

1 Success
Friend- Hanging out with me, help me to solve problem too.

When my life will become bright? Who will bring the hope to me? Are you, GOD?

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Micheal Jackson (1958-2009) 26/06/09

Name :Michael Jackson
Full/Alt. names :John Jay Smith, Michael Joseph Jackson
Date of Birth :Friday August 29 1958
Born :Gary, Indiana (USA)
Nationality :American
Partial Biography :A star since the age of 12 when The Jackson Five registered four No. 1 hits in 1970, Michael Jackson parlayed his remarkable singing and dancing talents into mega-stardom, the likes of which few entertainers..

Transformer 2- Revenge of the fallen

Yea, this is a cool and nice movie for me. I'm enjoying on the graphic and sound effect, but about the story, i just rate it as 5/10. Conclusion...

Sound effect=9/10

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mission Failed

Is it you give me a chance again? Is ok, just let it be normal. If we still love each other, we will be together again. Right? I don't want be your good friend from now because i knew that good friend and girl friend is different for me. GF and GF, i prefer to choose girl friend no matter how many you hurt me before. But is just like what i prefering only. I have to prepare to college now, cheer.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I'll recover soon!!

Yes, i can do it baby. I swear that i didnt miss her anymore, maybe i treat it as very normal d. I won hate u anymore because you are deleting from my brain now. It look like a software that remove or format you from my brain. Maybe it will take some time, but i believe i can do it!! It is processing now!! I will do it because i am not loving you anymore!!!!

Ti-ti-ti, PROCESSING.....

Saturday, June 20, 2009

I'm so tired

I can't sleep well after she rejected me. I always have to make myself be very tire. Maybe she's important in my life, however, she had choose to give up me. I have to respect her decision. There are two F for you, forgive and forget you. I tried to be a very very good boy friend, unfortunately, you didnt give a chance too.

I wash my car just now, lolx. Around 5 years i didnt wash the car by myself, quite lazy right? xD.. When i look to my car, suddenly i feel so satisfied on what i done.

First time having lunch with siew yi at D-Fortune. There are lot of people over today because many of the family celebrate "father day".. Happy father day to my daddy. xD

Friday, June 19, 2009

I tried my best, but it also failed

I don't know what words can describe my feeling now, deeply sad. Alright, i'm going to put this blog as private because someone will feel uncomfortable on what i written. I'm done what a boyfriend should do, and you feel stress about it? Maybe different people have different methods. Is ok, but why don't you tell me early? Always wait until those things become more serious, then you blame it on me? Did you stand on my position and think about me? Whatever, i wish you can meet your handsome and good boy friend in a day.

Besides, i have to speical thanks to 4 people who are daphanne, lik choo, shi han and micheal.
Daphanne tried to console me in the whole night and supported me this serveral years.
Lik Choo tell me the truth "Maybe you all just can be best friend, i think"
Shi han and mciheal had accompany me to cyber cafe to release my stress.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

[Important] Either is happy or sad

In world, sometime we have to make some decision and it may cause the other person happy or sad. Now, mine happy or sad are depend on you. Why i still felt you're happy when i told you "everything" yesterday? Is it any wrong of my 6th sense? Anyone have any idea and tell me what should i do? I'm miss her so much currently. There are two answer she will answer. First, Yes, i will. Second, Sorry, we are friend xxxxxxxxxxxxx. The probability of the first answer is 5%, i think so.

Remember what i said:
If i am couple with you 5 years ago, maybe we will break now day.

If i am couple with you now, we will still together after 5 years later.

After 5 years later, we will be marry!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I'm ready..

I'm ready be your good good good boy friend, but how about you? There are no respon from you, ish.... I don't know what you are thinking now, but 1 thing i am sure is i will love you forever, L.K.W!!!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

OSIM uSqueez Warm

NEW! OS-8008
OSIM uSqueez Warm
Normal Price: RM 1,988.00

OSIM uSqueez Warm Limited Edition
Normal Price: RM 1,988.00
Free Delivery
For detail information : Press Me

Be a honest person

I went to book shop to purchase my account answer and it cost RM 7. I pay the boss Rm 10 and he suppose return 3 bucks balance to me. But he give me RM 52, i give back him immediately. He didn't thanks to me also, @@.. Alright, at least i felt happy after i refund him $$. Maybe someone will scold me like a foolish, but that is me, kelvin Teo. ^^

Sunday, June 14, 2009

[Movie] Drag me to hell

Movie Title :: Drag Me To hell
Release Date :: 11 June 2009
Language :: English
Classification :: 18PL
Running Time :: 1 Hour20 Minutes
Director :: Sam Raimi
Cast :: Alison Lohman, Justin Long.

From the director of box-office hit Spiderman Trilogy, Sam Raimi once again bring you another new horror DRAG ME TO HELL. A loan officer (Lohman) ordered to evict an old woman from her home finds herself the recipient of a supernatural curse, who turns her life into a living hell. Desperate, she turns to a seer to try and save her soul, while evil forces work to push her to a breaking point.

*[Trailer]Drag me to hell

2 wishes to my father and my friend

13/6/09 is my father birthday. I bought "hush puppies" shoe to him, it cost RM 180+. I'm using my dad money to buy it, sorry about that because i still a student. I don't have any income. Sorry for that.

Besides that, i also attended my secondary school friend wedding, hope her husband can treat her well and take care too. After it, 4 of us went to ss2 eat dessert again. I'm so tired on my stupid life, who can help me? Please, "drag me to hell"

Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm get ready to study

The time pass extremely fast, today is Thursday already. I have no any classes on friday, and i have to start to do some revision for all subjects. Cheer, hope i can do it.

At night, four of us went to sunway having our steamboat dinner, "Yuan". I just ate 5 chicken wing only, damn sad. If i do anything wrong to you, i will apologize to you. I'm an annoying person and about your privacy, i have no authority to care about it. What i can do is keep giving you advices only. Sorry about that, Mr. J. Beside, i also few upset about her. I never want it to you leave me alone, but for your future, there are no choice. Do you study opportunity cost? Sadness.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I'm so much tired

Let start from my early morning story. As usual, i woke up at 6.30 to prepare everything to my class. Thanks to my Eco lecturer, i very sure and clear what you had teach today. You also make me interested in economic so much. Thank you. After that, i having my breakfast with her at Kepong KFC. She order the zinger max set and i just order the snack plate. When i eat the chicken, it look so terrible and oily. After that, i went to her house to fix some computer technical. It so easy for me. xD. Oh my god, it's 2 o'clock. Should i have to go back my IT class? Finally, i choose it NO. I skipped 4 IT classes, and i didnt know how my IT lecturer look like.

At afternoon, dap, kw, and lc went to the metropolitan to jog and play kite. 3 of them play the stupid kite, and left me jog alone only. Damn boring and tired! Besides, i have to apologize to you all of my stupids. I "campur" the kite thread together and made it spoil. Sorry so much.

At night, we went to cheras pasar malam Hong Lok. There are nothing special over there except the number of people. There are many stall over there, more than 100? xD, of course i didnt count 1 by 1. Whatever, this is my first time go to the pasar malam. Thank you Lc.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New Format for my blog!

Ladies and gentlemen, spend your few minutes to view this thread. I'm changed the format how i write the blog. Last time, i just write it by the point form, but i think is better write in a paragraph. It will look better and easier for you all when reading.

Next, i will share about my studies over here. Today, i leave lecture hall early and went home. My account lecturer teach about journal, lejar, and the other. I think it should be not problem for me, so i choose to leave lecture hall early. xD After that, i skip IT class again because i feel too sleepy d. Maybe yesterday night too late sleep d, that why i feel asleep inside the hall.

What you promise me yesterday morning? Do you still remember it? I hope your brain still refresh and remember what u had promise me. However, you fail to do it. The real world is cruel, but i believe you are not! So, don't simply promise me if you think you can't do it. okay? Thanks for your attention and cooperation.

Besides, my family have a family meeting after our dinner at outside. There are just 3 of my family member only, who are dad, mom and my brother. We have talk about it around 1 hour. The main topic is about my brother done in the pass. Actually, did he plan for his future? I were silence during the family meeting because i know that he is my brother and i have to respect him but i throw out my throat over here. Excuse me my brother, do you know how many years old are u now? 26! And what are u doing currently? When working with other people, you will just complain and complain only. Furthermore, you're the smoker too. You always smoke inside the toilet and the smoke smell fly into our room. Do you know how suffer am i and it will affect my health too? Late? It is normal for you, always late when work but you will not be late when dated with your girl friend. How come it will happen on my brother? Alarm clock? You set it for wake me up or dad? There are still got lot of bad attitude that you have such as, always blame people, lazy, responsible, act clever. If you are not my elder brother, i definitely will give u a BIG SLAP! Please, think about your future, your family, you girl friend, and us! Thanks GOD!

Monday, June 8, 2009


*I'm just a normal boy that you can any where.
*If i rate myself, i will give myself 10/100.
*I just want be single in temporary, there are lot of troubles when i am in a relationship.
*I hurt by many girls before, and i believe that i also hurt some girls.
*Every time i have a girl friend, i will tell her future things and not currently things.
*My college life now= no friends same courses with me, no girl friend.
*For example, i want finding someone have lunch with me. I called 6 friends but all have a different excuses to reject me. I'm so upset about it. Am i alone forever?
*Luckily, i still have my target that is study hard for achieve my dream.
*My dream is will get a fixable jobs and have my own sweetly family.
*Of course, about my currently family, i will take care and protect them too.
*I got a breaking news today, one of my secondary school classmate is going to wedding. She invited us to attend her wedding, vegetarian buffet.
*I'm going to buy some gifts to her, i don't want give ang pau. Hello, i still 19 years old only.


*Few days no write blog already.
*I apologized to her yesterday because i don't want get 1 more enemy.
*I don't know what the fuck our lecturer teach today.
*I can't understand at all, i have to study myself d. sad..
*Can i pass my principle of management?

Saturday, June 6, 2009


*We will remember what we talk in today.
*So sorry for those friends who are worry about me.
*I don't want EMO again!!!
*I want be a man start from today, not any boy already.
*Kelvin, there are more challenges waiting for me to solve it.


*Firstly, i want say sorry to my friends and kw about i showed u all my EMO faces.
*Secondly, i want sorry to my friend, noel and siew yi.
*Thirdly, i hope kw will keep support me.
*Finally, i want say again, i love you kw. Good nitez.

Friday, June 5, 2009

SORRY x 10000000000000000000 TIMES

*Is it sick person have to eat medicine, then it will recover?
*I believe there are something is more powerful than the medicine, that is "Love".
*Unfortunately, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
*Just back from 1u, watched ICAC with her.
*After that, i force her to drink some smelly drinks.
*I didn't mind what you think of me, i just want u be healthy only.
*Maybe u will hate me, maybe u will vommit it, maybe u will angry me, maybe u will scold me.
*That is not important for me, because i know at least it will help for your body.
*I will temporary get lost from your eyes until you understand me
*I still will miss you and love you.
*Hope my tears will be dry before i get into my dream.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


*My brain was keep thinking her yesterday night. It made me cant fall to sleep.
*Love is like a magic, it is so amazing.
*But i have to take a short break now, sobz.. No people caring and remind me to take medicine.
*Most important is she will not know about it until she view my blog. :(


*As usual, i wake up in very early morning at 6 am.
*After my class ended, i wend to kw house and fetch her to take breakfast together.
*We ate MacD again at Sunway Pyramid. (Cancer soon, but x not her)
*After that, we almost visited each part of pyramid included all the corridor. xD
*Finally, i say what my feeling to her by message. (I will talk face by face in 1 day)
*Then, we went to Chef pasta buy pandan cake to her mummy. (Her mummy birthday, 3/6)
*At night, her mummy treat me eat at Nelson Tan around metro prima there.
*After taking dinner, 3 of use go pasar malam hang kai.
*Then, i go back her house, eat cake, online, chatting, draw love, play games until 1.00am.
*I really felt happy today, thank you kw.
*I promised i will protect u, love u, i will do it. Please believe me.
*Love you, miss you kw. Nitez.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


*This is my latest farm, just give some comment. xD

Monday, June 1, 2009


*Aish.... I felt tired so much because yesterday too late sleep.
*I had my breakfast at MacD in this early morning.
*Is quite boring for today classes, nothing special too.
*There are two beautiful girl same Management lecture class with me.
*However, they not my dream girl.
*Thank to my secondary friend sook theng father for fetch me back home.
*I have to take a short break now, Cheer...

Sunday, May 31, 2009


*There are many things happened in this May, and some of them i still cannot accept the truth.
*2009 May is one of the boring month for me.
*What i done at this May?
*Dota, Sleep, Jogging, Watch cinema movie, Gathering, Yam Cha, Talk bull shit..
*There are no any works for me at this May.
*Tomorrow is the new life for me, i believe that there are a lot of challenges are waiting for me.
*Is it Terminator?
*However, people always said that " If you didn't give up to do a thing, there are always hope for you"
*At last, if you think you can do it, then u can!!


*Aish.... I just watched terminator salvation again at Pavilion.
*There are not more excited and happy for this time watch because it look like keep repeating in my brain.
*However, it also got some happy stuff that is, finally i had watched movie at pavilion.


*I just watched this movie with 3 of my friends, micheal, king fai and man kong at Kepong Jusco.
*This movie damn cool, the graphic, sound effect, technological machine and story.
*I rate this movie as 9/10.
*But, i felt sad because this is the end of terminator.
*There are no more next movie for terminator.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


*Yesterday night, we celebrated my friend birthday at there.
*There really suitable for those couple, nice dinner + nice view.
*After look out point, we go chandran Yam Cha.
*Longan Besar?
*Oh my god, i just finish my dinner only. I just ordered longan kecil only!

*Nice View

*We ate steak over here.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


*There are 3 picture above which are wearing orange spec, New spec, and no spec.
*Which 1 look better? xD :)


*I'm going to change everything, look, study, character.
*New spectacle for me. (Calvin Klein)
*Say bye to DOTA.
*Say bye to HER.
*I have to keep remind myself that i have to study at University of Queensland.
*So? I have to get at least 65 marks for each subject.
*Thus, my dreamy will come through.
*I have to change my hot-temper, always control my emotional.
*Conclusion, cheer it up..

Monday, May 25, 2009


*I slept 4 o'clock yesterday night because play games. ^^
*I wake up very early in the morning around quarter of seven.
*What the hell? 3 hours++ sleeping only? Why i can do it?
*Lol, i also don't know the reason also, i wake up for my jogging at manjalala.
*After jogging, my family and i having our breakfast at Kampung Sungai Buloh.
*My cousin and us eat dim sum over there, damn expensive also. RM110!!
*At afternoon, i went to cyber cafe with two of my friends, micheal and shi han.
*Today we go Kepong DNA 2 round.. ^^

Friday, May 22, 2009


*What happened to my streamyx?
*I thought streamyx was under attacked by hackers?
*But, i can use people streamyx to online..
*What it mean? Is it mean my streamyx account stuck there?
*Fucker streamyx, unstuck my account as fast as.
*You made me cannot online around 2 days already


*All right, i wrong again.
*This is my last comment to you, you're not that perfect.
*We are friends forever!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


*Nothing special today, i don't know what i'm going to write also.
*Suddenly feel this world became dark.
*In fact, i can feel that i not suitable for her.
我爱你,你不爱我。我不爱你,你爱我。我爱你,而你又爱我。但是这个世界上很少两情相悦 !

Monday, May 18, 2009


*I jogging with her at manjalala today morning.
*We just walk and run for two rounds only.
*After that, we go the garden there play the playground.
*There are many things over there, got GyM equipment.

Sad 1
*I just want her come back study together only.
*I know she cant study at home.
*I want try my best to teach her what i know but......
*After she promised study outside, suddenly message me cancel again..
*I miss my lunch.
*Haix. I just feel disappointed.

Sad 2
*Same as case 1.
*After she promised me study outside, the next message say she will study at home.
*I won blame it on her because i love her.
*Should i miss my dinner again?
*Good luck my future woman.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


*She first time date me "jogging".
*I felt so happy but.....
*I felt she feel stress about her exam and somethings happened.
*Why she don't want tell me what things is going on?
*I love her but is it she love me also?
*I scared chase her again because i think i will hurt her again.
*What should i do?

Friday, May 15, 2009

Secondary school BBQ

*Just back from BBQ lo, i didn't eat so much also.
*Just 2 hot dog, 2 fish ball from kuan wei and many many Mango.
*Wei soong admit he really love mei yean.
*I had told what he have to do lo, just wait his action only.
*After BBQ, dap, kuan wei and i go for 2nd round, eat Bao Bing.
*Yummy yummy.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


*I just Yam cha with her and daphanne.
*What i feel now?
*Extremely happy and excited.
*We chat many things, but i want say sorry to her over here.
*Reason, i said too many vulgar because i felt very angry just now!
*Yoke hun suddenly MSN me and talk:

(12:25 AM) 我身上这根过度浪漫的螺钉, 只有: kelvin
(12:25 AM) 我身上这根过度浪漫的螺钉, 只有: yoke here
(12:26 AM) 我身上这根过度浪漫的螺钉, 只有: u think i bo song u ah?
(12:34 AM) 我身上这根过度浪漫的螺钉, 只有: ei.. i din bo song u leh..
(12:34 AM) 我身上这根过度浪漫的螺钉, 只有: jgn think another side leh..
(12:34 AM) 我身上这根过度浪漫的螺钉, 只有: last time got abit lh..
(12:35 AM) 我身上这根过度浪漫的螺钉, 只有: sudah pass jor then dun hv d lah..
(12:35 AM) 我身上这根过度浪漫的螺钉, 只有: jgn ingat banyak lah uncle..

*Actually, what she want?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


*Raining so heavily today, i think around 1.30-3.30.
*I so worry how she go home.
*She got bring umbrella?
*Her sister fetch her?
*I go back my secondary school find her.
*I called her mobile phone and house phone many times.
*Unfortunately, no people hear phone..
*After that, she reply my message.
*I said i worry about her, then she say worry her kidnap again?
*When she will understand about me?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


*She unblocked me, she talked to me, she joked with me, i felt so happy.
*Just finish badminton at Rawang there.
*Finally, i go back Rawang Kopi street again.
*But this time look different compare with 1 month ago.
*At that time, maybe i still got "her" , but now i alone.

*Wish kuan wei 's "dream guy" will go after her soon.
*Wish the guy can take care her forever.
*Wish the guy not a playboy.
*Wish every good things on kuan wei and bad things on me.


*Use some ideas to make my cousin stay back work at my father shop.
*He told me the salary is too low.
*He is one of a hardworking workers at there.
*I believe he can achieve in one day.
*Cheer, good luck my cousin.

Monday, May 11, 2009


*She blocked or deleted me. (MSN)
*Micheal + Adam + Yoke Hun bluff me like a foolish.
*Lover lost, Friends lost, Good friend lost!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


*First time go WCG cyber cafe, damn big over there.
*I saw lot of people play dota, left 4 dead.
*My brother fetch me go with her girl friend
*Lose 1 game.
*There are 1 big mamak stall over there, steven corner.
*It just beside WCG cyber cafe only.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


*I purchased her present at 1U with daphanne just now.
*Is DIY item with cost RM 30+
*I hope she will accept my present.


*Friends with lies?
*My best friend gang with them lie me?
*Fuck you all! oOo

Friday, May 8, 2009


*Today is a special date for me.
*First time I let HER scold like this, i think that she very angry now.
*What should i do?
*Beside sorry, i don't know what thing should i say to her again.
*Am i stupid?
*Why i don't keep this secret forever?
*If i am you, i will not forgive what i done.
*I felt happy during at genting with you.
*Althought i go with your family, but in my heart, is just you and me only.
*Happy time is always very short.
*I sleep at cc also dowant next time got ppl say u and me bla bla bla only...
*Last, you don't know how much i hurt by my ex-girl friend(Michelle)
*Please don take this things as joke, i serious on it.
Sob sob sob sob
The End